“Green Campus Drive” organized by Aryans Group of Colleges, Chandigarh
Starcast of "Naughty Jatts" including
Binnu Dhillon,Neeru Bajwa, Arya Babbar, Roshan Prince planted saplings at
Aryans campus
Mohali 30 July
Aryans Group of Colleges organized “Green Campus Drive” at its campus
situated at Chandigarh-Patiala Highway, Near Chandigarh. The starcast of
Upcoming Punjabi Movie “Naughty Jatts” including Neeru Bajwa, Roshan Prince,
Binnu Dhillon, Arya Babbar etc. initiated the sapling planting session along
with Dr Anshu Kataria, Chairman, Aryans Group of Colleges. After that, hundreds
of saplings were planted by the students and staff of Aryans in 20 acre campus.
Expressing his views, Binnu Dhillon said that we need to preserve the
nature for the benefit of the future generation. He further added that each one
should look after the plants planted by him/her and also encourage others to
plant one tree in their homes, villages and towns.
Speaking on the occasion, Roshan Prince stressed upon the importance of
conserving nature by using eco-friendly commodities, pollution free solar
devices and reusing materials.
Dr Kataria further said that cultural, sports and other co-curricular
activities are as important as academics. Students get good exposure by having
such activities in the campus. And Aryans Group provides exposure to the
students to the lighter side of life.
It is to be mentioned that established in 2007, Aryans campus is located
at Chandigarh–Patiala highway, near Chandigarh. The group is running Management
College, Engineering College, Education College, Nursing College & Junior
Science College (+1 & +2 Non Medical).
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