Governor, Punjab launches Aryans website for SC/ST students

On one hand, this website contains every state's information regarding SC/ST/OBC scholarships. On other hand, it also helps the students in getting offline career counselling for various career options available to them.
After launching the website, Sh Shivraj Patil said that this is a good initiative taken by Aryans to make the SC/ST/OBC students aware about various Govt Sponsored scholarship schemes available to them. He added that this is need of the hour to educate these students about their rights so that they may get the best use out of it.
Sh Patil further said that in the Eleventh Five Year Plan, an amount of around 5300 crores was allocated for special schemes for SCs. But many students specially of rural areas can’t take advantage of this amount due to lack of information. Aryans has provided one platform for these students where they can get each and every information.
Speaking on the occasion, Dr Anshu Kataria, Chairman, Aryans Group of Colleges said that due to lack of information, many SC/ST/OBC students are not able to avail the benefits of the scholarships being given to them by Central and State Govt. But now these students need not roam here and there for the information about these scholarships. He added that the students can register themselves on the website or can also contact on Aryans Toll Free Helpline 1800-30000-388 to get scholarship updates.
Dr. Kataria further told that there are some cases where the alloted funds remain unspent while in some cases, alloted funds are diversified by State Govt. But with recent online procedure both of the problems are sorted out.
He added that the motive to develop this Website is to provide a single platform for society in which information related to each n every state can be fetched easily. Having Look on this website may save lot of time for Applying in Post Matric Scholarship for SC/ST or BC.
It is worth mentioning that the SC population constituted 16.2% of the total population in census 2001 and has increased marginally around 16.9% in census 2011. People belonging to SC communities are spread all over the country, with about 80% of them living in the rural areas. Around half of the SC population is concentrated in the 5 states of UP, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Bihar.
It is to be mentioned that there are various scholarship schemes available for Minority Students like Post Matric Scholarship, Pre Matric Scholarship etc.
Post-Matric Scholarship Scheme has been solely put forth to offer financial support to the economically weaker students from the ST, SC & OBC students. This scheme offers Scholarships for the students to pursue Professional and Non- Professional courses after Matriculation. This initiative is aimed to facilitate faster and efficient disposal of scholarship applications and timely payment of the scholarships to the students.
Post Matric Scholarship is the single largest intervention by the Government of India for educational empowerment of SCs. It provides scholarships to about 48 lakh SC students for pursuing higher education in various courses beyond matriculation. Under the scheme, 100% central assistance is provided to States/UTs over and above their committed liability except for North east states where committed liability is not applicable to them.
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