Delegation met with Mr. Amrik S. Virk, Minister,Advanced Education, British Columbia and Mr. Devinder Shory, MP, Calgary Northeast
Aryans Group of Colleges Delegation visited Canada
During their weeklong stay, Aryans Delegation visited many renowned Universities and Colleges of Canada. University of British Columbia, British Columbia council for International Education, Vancouver Film School, University of Victoria, University of The Fraser Valley, British Columbia Institute of Technology, Thompson Rivers University and The Simon Fraser University etc are a few to be mentioned.
The Delegations has visited these Universities to study the difference in the Teaching and Learning pattern between India and Canada. The delegation learnt about the curriculum and courses being offered to students in Canada. The objective of the trip is to work for possibility of International Collaboration, Technical know-how, student exchange Programmes etc.
Mr. Amrik S. Virk, Minister, Advanced Education, British Columbia and Mr. Devinder Shory, MP, Calgary Northeast extended their good wishes to the delegation and appreciated the step taken by the team. He further said that such educational collaborations help in promoting education at a global level, which will help in developing student’s knowledge, confidence and other skills.
Aryans delegation also visited Abbotsford Sikh Temple (Gurdwara) which is designated as National Historic site. The delegation was honoured by Gurudwara authorities during their visit. This Abbotsford Sikh Temple is the oldest Sikh Temple in North America.
Aryans Group of Colleges have already entered into a number of Tie-ups/Collaborations with Foreign Institutions such as Outline System (USA); LSME (London School Of Management Education, London); Fontys University (Netherland); AUPP (Australian Unified Pathway Program, Australia), Institute of Technology Blanchard’s town (ITB), Dublin (Ireland) etc., and an international membership of AACSB (Association To Advance Collegiate School Of Business, USA), GMAT and GREIt.
It is to be mentioned that in the last few years, Aryans team had visited many universities of South East Asia, Middle East including IMT and SP Jain Business School, Dubai; SASIN Business School, Bangkok; SP Jain Business School, Singapore; Hong Kong etc. The team has also visited some SAARC countries including Nepal, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka etc in the recent years.
Media Coordinator