Mohali 22nd march’12
To unleash the creative potential of students, Aryans Group of Colleges (AGC), Chandigarh today organized an Ad-Mad Show in the college campus i.e. at Vill. Nepra (Banur), Chandigarh-Patiala Highway, Near Chandigarh. Ad Mad show is the event to teach the students about the selling and marketing skills to sell the product in the tough environment.
The students showed their talent & creativity, innovation, & business plan for creating an advertisement. Some of the products sold in the programme were Flying Shoes/Carpet, Laughing Spray, Solar Energy, Charging Mobiles, Tubeless Alloys, Hair Gain Tonic, Pen cum Spy Camera, Portable T.V set, Electric Broom, Rainbow Shirt and Canteen on Moon Etc. Ten teams participated in the AD-MAD show in which the Ist prize was bagged by Hemant, Sukantano, Deepak and Vikas, Harpreet, Sumit won the IInd and Avneet, Pawan, Faaiz won the IIIrd prize.
On this occasion Dr. Anshu Kataria, Chairman, Aryans Group said that the Motto behind this competition is mainly to do something different than the usual learning process. Students get a chance to interact with each other, learn new tricks, enhance their skills during the development process and best of all, and have fun all the way.
Dr.Parveen Kataria, Director General, Aryans Group told that Aryans always believes in innovative methods and Case studies to teach the students. It has been a constant Endeavour at Aryans to introduce the students with the ever demanding and ever challenging corporate dynamics through its innovative teaching methodologies.
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