Sunday, March 18, 2012

Aryans College of Engineering organized a seminar on “Transformation of Knowledge- Science to Engineering and Technology”

Mohali 18th March 2012

Aryans College of Engineering (ACE) organized a seminar on “Transformation of Knowledge- Science to Engineering and Technology” in the college campus at Vill. Nepra/Thuha (Banur), Chandigarh-Patiala Highway, Near Chandigarh. On this occasion Ms. Surita Maini, Associate Professor, Sant longowal Institute Of Engineering and Technology (SLIET), Longowal, Sangrur, was the keynote speaker of the event. Dr. Anshu Kataria, Chairman, Aryans Group of Colleges (AGC) presided over the function.

While addressing the students Ms. Surita Maini threw light on the various fields of Engineering. She encouraged the students by briefing them about the future prospects of engineering and usage of science in the technical area. She gave the example of usage of bio medical sciences in the engineering field and explained, ‘how an engineer can transform the bio medical science concepts to the technically sound machinery like EEG machine, Robotic arm etc’.

While highlighting the importance of technology, she gave numerous examples like mobile phones, laptops etc. which are becoming compact and reliable day by day to make our lives easier. She further said that we are getting dependent on technology in our communication, transportation, information surfing, entertainment and for all necessities of life. Men has stepped on moon which is also because of the revolution in the space technology. Technology can help not just with the present but also approximating the future. She concluded by saying “Understanding the importance of technology is a must for young as well as senior citizens.”

While sharing his views with the students on this topic Dr. Anshu Kataria thanked Ms. Surita Maini for sharing her valuable knowledge with the students and encouraging them for the engineering background.

Prof. D. C. Kataria (Vice Chairman, Aryans Group), Dr. Parveen Kataria (Director General, Aryans Group), Sh. Chandrama Singh (Registrar, Aryans Group) and all faculty members of Aryans attended the function.

Media Coordinator
